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Laboratory of Yohan Bossé 

Good people first and then the best science…


Expertise in genetic/genomic is much needed for the upcoming era of personalized medicine. Training of highly qualified personnel (HQP) to develop and maintain this expertise is an important mission of Dr. Bossé’s laboratory.


Team members

Yohan Bossé

Dr. Yohan Bossé is a research scientist at the Institut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec, located in Quebec City. He is also Professor, department of Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine at Laval University. He is the project leader on a translational genomic research program on cardio-respiratory diseases. Dr. Bossé holds a Canada Research Chair in Genomics of Heart and Lung Diseases.


Hobby: Father, cross-country skiing, and road cycling.

Curriculum Vitae


Nathalie Gaudreault

Research Assistant and Lab Manager

Lab member since 2009


Nathalie has more than 25 years of experience in the field of genetics and genomics. She has extensive experience to design genomic experiments and profound technical know-how to conduct independent troubleshooting and analytical method validation. She is also responsible of laboratory management and training of students. Along with Dr. Bossé, she is coordinating research activities to ensure that all projects are achieved with success and delivered on time.


Hobby: Cycling, skiing and outdoor activities.


Dominique Boudreau

Research Assistant
Lab member since 2018

Dominique holds a Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry and a Master's degree in Biochemistry / Enzymology from Laval University. During the past twenty years, he worked as a molecular biologist and bioinformatician for the development of highly sensitive multiplex PCR assays used in molecular diagnostics. Dominique was also involved in clinical data management and technological transfer to industrial partners. He is now responsible of implementation of NGS technologies into the lab’s future projects, alongside with other genotyping and molecular biology activities.
Hobby: Hiking, mountain bike, reading, playing electric guitar far too loudly.



Jean-Christophe Bérubé

PhD Student and web master
Lab member since 2010

Jean-Christophe is a PhD student in Experimental Medicine at Laval University. He is carrying a research project on the genomics of asthma taking advantage of modern genomic and bioinformatics approaches. Bachelor in Bioinformatics from Laval university, he is implicated with his alma mater by doing mentoring with undergraduate students starting their formation in this field. Jean-Christophe has a well-proven track-record of scientific productivity and collaborations. His expertise is highly valuable for the laboratory and collaborators.


Hobby: Sports, reading, tv shows, outdoor activities & guitar playing.


Jean-Christophe was the recipient of a Doctoral studentship from the Respiratory Health Network of the FRQS and now holds PhD scholarships from the CRIUCPQ and the Canadian Respiratory Research Network.


Zhonglin Li

Research professional

Lab member since 2018


Zhonglin studied bioinformatics and computer science in France. Thanks to his bioinformatics courses, he is able to perform biological analysis and program applications in many languages to facilitate analysis. He can also use R language for biostatitics analysis. After graduation, he worked on Next Generation Sequencing data processing and analysis. Now he is working biological data for analysis in GWAS (Genome-Wide Association Study), TWAS (Transcriptome-Wide Association Study) and PheWas (Phenome Wide Association Study).


Hobby: Video game, travelling, films.

Zhonglin Li

Research professional -Bioinformatics

Lab member since 2018


Zhonglin studied bioinformatics and computer science in France. Thanks to his bioinformatics courses, he is able to perform biological analysis and program applications in many languages to facilitate analysis. He can also use R language for biostatitics analysis. After graduation, he worked on Next Generation Sequencing data processing and analysis. Now he is working biological data for analysis in GWAS (Genome-Wide Association Study), TWAS (Transcriptome-Wide Association Study) and PheWas (Phenome Wide Association Study).


Hobby: Video game, travelling, films.

Zhonglin Li

Research professional -Bioinformatics

Lab member since 2018


Zhonglin studied bioinformatics and computer science in France. Thanks to his bioinformatics courses, he is able to perform biological analysis and program applications in many languages to facilitate analysis. He can also use R language for biostatistiques analysis. After graduation, he worked on pipelines development for Next Generation Sequencing data analysis. Now he is working in the lab for biological data processing and analysis such as GWAS (Genome-Wide Association Study), TWAS (Transcriptome-Wide Association Study) and PheWas (Phenome Wide Association Study).


Hobby: Video game, travelling, films.


Victoria Saavedra Armero

Research Assistant

Lab member since 2019


Victoria holds a Bachelor degree in Microbiology and Master degree in Biochemistry from Sherbrooke University. Her activities as a research assistant include DNA and RNA extraction and preparation, and collaboration for the development of various ongoing projects.


Hobby: Reading, films and cooking.


Louis-Jacques Ruel

Master Student
Lab member since 2021 

Louis-Jacques completed his bachelor’s degree in bioinformatics and is currently a master’s student in molecular medicine at Laval University. His research concerns the tumor mutational burden (usually known as TMB) of lung cancer in never-smokers. He is also implicated in his university’s synthetic biology student team and participates in the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition since 2020. 

Hobbies: Volleyball, video and board games, iGEM team. 


Ran Xu

PhD student
Member of the laboratory since 2021

Ran is a PhD student in Molecular Medicine at Laval University. He holds a Bachelor degree in Clinical Medicine from Fujian Medical University and a Master degree in Cardiology from Shanghai Jiaotong University. He had already conducted research on aortic valve diseases for four years. Now, he is working on the bioinformatics research about DNA variation in calcific aortic valve disease.

Hobby: Computer games, soccer and photography.


Élody Tremblay

Research Assistant
Lab member since 2022

Élody recently graduated from the Biomedical Sciences Bachelor degree of Laval University. She is motivated by the innovation and development of health care genetic applications. She joined the team to collaborate to all future and ongoing genetics projects.

Hobby: camping, photography, cross-country skiing, gym workout


Véronique Boumtje

PhD student and entrepreneur
Member of the laboratory since 2022

Véronique holds a master's degree in medical biology with a specialization in hematology and immunology from the University of Douala in Cameroon. Self-taught and passionate about Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, Veronique worked for two years on a project to manufacture medical devices for the early diagnosis of hematological cancers. Véronique is currently working on the development and clinical utility of the polygenic risk score for the improvement of the management of lung cancer patients. 

Hobby: Sports, reading, travelling, outdoor activities & films.


Sébastien Renaut

Research Assistant

Lab member since 2023

Sébastien holds a PhD from Laval University. He is a bioinformatician, data scientist and evolutionary geneticist. He has 10+ years of research experience in academia and 3+ years of R&D experience in the private sector. During that time, he has published scientific papers in evolution, genomics, oncology, data visualization and management. He has analysed various omics datasets (e.g.: RNAseq, scRNAseq, SNP genotyping, WGS, proteomics, metagenomics) using mainly R, python, Unix programming language and command line bioinformatics tools. In the lab, he will help to implement data analyses pipelines in single-cell genomics (scRNA-seq) and transcriptomics (RNAseq). 

Hobbies: Father of 3. Running.


Samuel Mathieu

Master Student
Lab member since 2024

During his pre-graduate studies in mathematics and computer science, Samuel got involved in many research projects in genetics and machine learning. Three research internships and a part time job as a research auxiliary helped him to learn more about the impact of genetics in cardiovascular diseases. For his Master’s project, Samuel investigates the impact of genetic factors in the evolution of the transcriptomic profile of lung tissue from normal to tumorous. 

Hobbies: Running, Cycling, Dancing.


Olga Sazonova
Hanie Abolfathi
Mona Patoughi


Valérie Ducharme
Justin Dang Uy Nguyen
Jérôme Lane
Sandra Guauque-Olarte
Natasha Dargis
Emilie Lavoie-Charland
Maxime Lamontagne
Alisson Clemenceau
Venkata Manem
Ahmed Fayez Hadji

Nicolas Perrot
Jolyanne Roussel
Cyndi Henry

© 2018 by Laboratory of Yohan Bossé

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